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Announcements List

  • Spring 2024 ACSR Update

    2024-25 ACSR Executive Committee

    These are your ACSR officers for the coming year:

    Chair:  Christine Carrino Gorowara, Trinity Washington University (gorowarac@trinitydc.edu)

    Chair-Elect:  Bryan Duke, University of Central Oklahoma (bduke@uco.edu)

    Northeast Regional Representative:  Linda Gronberg-Quinn, Community College of Baltimore County (lgronberg@ccbcmd.edu)

    South Regional Representative:  Diana Lys, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill (lys@email.unc.edu)

    Midwest Regional Representative:  Meghan Salyers, University of Mary (msalyers@umary.edu)

    West Regional Representative:  Kimberly White-Smith, University of San Diego (kimberlywhite@sandiego.edu)

    AACTE extends a special thank you to Anne Tapp, Robin Fuxa, and Brian Yusko who have completed their service on the ACSR Executive Committee.

    Washington Week 2024

    Washington Week is just around the corner on June 3-5. As in year’s past, it will include an extended in-person State Leaders Institute. If there are issues or topics you would like to suggest for the agenda, please send them to Christine Gorowara (gorowarac@trinitydc.edu) or me (jking@aacte.org). This year, ACSR leaders will have the opportunity to participate in mock media interviews and, unlike in year’s past, you will not bear responsibility for scheduling your state’s congressional visits!

    Early Bird registration is now available, so reserve your place today!

    2024-25 State Support Grant Call for Proposals

    Please be on the lookout for the 2024-25 AACTE State Support Grant Call for Proposals, which will be hitting your inboxes later this month. Applications will be due by June 28. Proposals are welcome for activities that address advocacy and policy leadership, enhancing program quality, or partnership and communication.

    ACSR Mentor Program

    If you are new to state affiliate organization leadership and would like to have an experienced leader as a mentor – or if you are an experienced leader and are willing to share what you’ve learned with a colleague, please sign up for the ACSR Mentor Program.  This year, ACSR Chair Christine Gorowara will hold quarterly meetings for mentor and mentees to share insights.  To sign up as a mentor or mentee, please send a message to me (jking@aacte.org) or to Christine (gorowarac@trinitydc.edu).

    Changes in State Leadership

    So that everyone in your state organization can stay abreast of the latest ACSR news, please keep me informed of any changes to the leadership of your state organization.

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Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday

    2024 Holmes Summer Learning Series: Leveraging National Data Sets for Research

    Aug 6, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (ET)
    As you plan your dissertation research, have you considered analyzing national data? Numerous large-scale studies conducted by the federal government are freely available to researchers. In this session, you will do the following : Explore how including national data can strengthen your research . Review some of the mo st commonly used d ata sets . Watch a demonstration of the user-friendly tools for accessing and analyzing federal education data . Learn essential guidelines for writing about data . This session is open to all Holmes Scholars, and coordinators are welcome to attend. Speaker: Jacqueline King, Ph.D. Senior Consultant AACTE King is an independent consultant who works with K-12 and higher education leaders to improve student outcomes. King has had a long career in education, including 15 years at the American Council on Education (ACE). She is the author or co-author of numerous reports, articles, and book chapters on college readiness, student financing of higher education, access and persistence in postsecondary education, student demographic trends, educator preparation, philanthropic giving to colleges and universities, and trends in the leadership of higher education. She has authored several reports for AACTE, including Colleges of Education: A National Portrait . Her work has been featured on CNN and in national publications such as The New York Times, Time , USA Today , and the Washington Post .

  • Tuesday

    2024 Holmes Summer Learning Series: Pathways into Education Policy: Starting Where You Are

    Aug 13, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (ET)
    Join our upcoming webinar with Jane West, Ph.D., s enior vice president e merita of AACTE and author of "Advocating for the Common Good (Special Education Law, Policy, and Practice)." West will share her experience entering policy as a doctoral student and offer practical advice on initiating your journey. Gain insights into state and local advocacy to effectively raise your voice in educational policy. Following these insights, engage in a discussion with West tailored to Holmes Scholars, exploring pathways to leverage your research for impactful change at local and state levels. Speaker: Jane West, Ph.D.   Education Policy Consultant   Sr. VP Emeritus, AACTE     West began her career as a special education teaching assistant. After the enactment of IDEA in 1975, and with an MA in special education from Columbia University’s Teachers College, she served as a special education teacher and administrator in Maryland. Eager to better understand the public policy aspect of special education, she pursued a doctorate from the University of Maryland. From 1983 – 1986, she served as the staff director for what was then the Subcommittee on the Handicapped, a subcommittee of the Senate HELP Committee. Since leaving the Senate, West has assumed roles at AACTE and as an education policy consultant for numerous national organizations, including the Higher Education Consortium for Special Education and the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. She has been on the faculties of the University of Maryland, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Johns Hopkins and serves as a co-founder of the Coalition for Teaching Quality in 2010.

  • Tuesday

    2024 Holmes Summer Learning Series: Calling all Motherscholars!: Theory, Practice, and Life

    Aug 27, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (ET)
    At a highly attended panel for AERA’s Division G, Cheryl Matias, Ph.D., introd uced the concept of a "motherscholar," combining the roles of both scholar and mother. Drawing inspiration from Zeu s Leo nardo's i dea of " raceclass ," where race and class are inseparable in analysis, Matias argue s that being a mother and a scholar are similarly intertwined, each informing the other for a richer praxis. Since 2011, there has been a growing movemen t of motherscholarship. Despite various forms of the term (mother- scholar, MotherScholar , etc.), Matias adhere s to the original idea: the intersections of race, class, gender, and other social factors must always be considered in the work of a Motherscholar. This webinar will explore the theoretical foundations, provide essential literature, and discuss the experience of raising children as a motherscholar . Matias will share her personal journey of becoming pregnant with twins while at the University of California Los Angeles ( UCLA ) , navigating hiring and tenure processes, and my life now as a f ull professor with her twins heading to college. This session is open to all Holmes scholars interested in this topic, regardless of race, gender, or parental status. The goal is for attendees to feel supported and recognize the potent ial fo r buildi ng strong net works and comm uni ties ( kumare / comadre -ship) among motherscholars . Speaker: Cheryl Matias, Ph.D. Professor, Holmes Program Coordinator University of San Diego Matias was recently awarded the 2020 Mid-Career Award for her work on racial justice in teacher education at the premier organization, the American Educational Research Association (AERA) . She is a full professor in the School of Leadership and Education Sciences at the University of San Diego. Her research focuses on race and ethnic studies in education with a theoretical focus on critical race theory, critical whiteness studies, critical pedagogy, and feminism of color. Specifically, she uses a feminist of color approach to deconstruct the emotionality of whiteness in urban teacher education and how it impacts urban education. Her other research interest is on motherscholarship and supporting women of color and motherscholars in the academy. A former K-12 teacher in both South Central, Los Angeles Unified School District , and Bed-Stuyvesant, New York City Department of Education, she earned her bachelor's in cultural communication from the University of California San Diego, teaching credential at San Diego State University, and her master’s in social and multicultural foundations at California State University, Long Beach. She earned her doctorate at UCLA with an emphasis on race and ethnic studies in education.

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